
Do you feel stuck, not sure what to do, being held hostage by what happened to you?

Have you been through a challenging time in your life?
Are you feeling overwhelmed, lost, or uncertain about your future?
Are you tired of feeling stuck in the past and unable to move forward?
Do you feel like your life has been defined by your challenges and struggles?

Do you feel like you’re just going through the motions, without any real sense of purpose or joy?  

I’ve been there too…

What IF you could feel alive again, live a life true to yourself, on your terms and experience joy again?

There was a time in my life, when reading something like this sounded impossible… and it was… until it wasn’t… 

I have allowed so much to have power over me: people, illness, setbacks and my own inner voice reinforcing my limiting beliefs over and over again… I was trapped and it felt like it couldn’t got worse – but it did. 

It used to feel like driving through a scary thunderstorm, without any visibility, one thing after another pilling up: unhappiness, cancers, an abusive marriage, finances, corporate harassment, fears, and being a “double mom”… it felt like it was never going to end – but it did. 

It took me lots of time, courage, investment and learning to free myself up, get out of the cage and back to the magnificent life God has granted me – and most importantly: to show up as my best self and be fully present for my loved ones! 

During my journey as a cancer survivor I found myself, discovered my purpose, and changed my career. Ever since, I live a purposeful life, inspiring and helping people impacted by cancer or that have experienced huge challenges to get to the other side, as I did. 

That’s why I’m here: to GUIDE you – to LEAD you faster to the LIFE you DESERVE and to SHINE your LIGHT!

The hardest thing I witness is to watch people losing hope or deciding to change when it is already too late…  

“What if we all could arrive at our deathbed free of regrets? What if we could set ourselves free? What if we could set others free by not judging them and seeing them doing the best they can and by who they are right now, just as we are too? What if we all decided to be happier for focusing on simplicity, and connection and things that make our hearts happy, instead of competition, lack, fear, and all the things that hold us back from being our truest and happiest self? What if we gave ourselves and each other, permission to do all that, to have courage, to feel safe in expressing our feelings, to let our heart guide us, to learn how to be kind, not just to others, but to ourselves as well. What if we encouraged each other to be courageous and vulnerable?” – Bronnie Ware

I’ve been blessed to eyewitness amazing transformations from people that have worked with me and experienced my programs. One specific one has changed it all for me and became my WHY. That’s the moment I decided it was my responsibility, being a living proof, to bring hope, love and light to the ones that got lost into the darkness…  

It is my honor to share with you some of the work I’ve created based on my own life experience. One of these amazing programs is just right for you – and you will know as you read through it. However, if you allow me, I would love to learn about you, what happened and how you have survived. I’m sure your story can inspire others too.

What my clients are saying...

Thank you for entering my world!

What a blessing to find each other in a world with more than 8 billion people, isn’t it !? 

There is a reason. I believe it’s just the beginning of our story together… Let’s connect!