
About Sheyla

Hello, My name is Sheyla Zito – a faithful Cancer Survivor, double mom, writer and entrepreneur with decades of Leadership experience in the Corporate world. 

I was born and lived in Brazil for 43 years. The year I turned 30, I realized how unhappy I was and prayed for a change. Right after my second baby was born I was diagnosed with melanoma. It was a bumpy ride, but it brought me wisdom, strength, and exponentiate my faith. Ever since, I’ve gone through an amazing journey of self-discovery where I’ve found myself and why I was put on this Earth! 
More than twenty years later, and 33 small pieces removed from my body, I learned that if you truly believe and are willing to do the work, you can make incredible changes and choose the outcomes you want. I am very grateful for all the Blessings God has granted in my life, and I am here today to invite you to experience an amazing journey of transformation – connecting with your True Self, becoming your Best Version and understanding and fulfilling the plans God has for you, Living a purposeful Life and feeling how you’ve always Wanted and Deserve! 

I am on a mission to NURTURE, EMPOWER & INSPIRE SURVIVORS who have experienced big challenges

CLAIM your Life Back, Be Happy once again &

BECOME the person you were Born to be!

Survivor of incredible adversities in the last years, Sheyla is an example that YOU CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING IN LIFE

Trust me, I know how it feels to be stuck and not knowing what to do! 

You might have experienced setbacks in your life that have shaken your ground: serious illness, loss, divorce or whatever is for you, has made you see life differently

Perhaps something that is still holding you hostage

This safe space is for you.  Here you are seen, heard and finally understood.

We pick each other up, we celebrate one another and are proud of even the small victories which many times go unnoticed by others… Here we share, grow and learn together.  Someone out there might need you to shine your light. It is time to do it! 

Let me assist you to Claim your life back, Be Happy once again, Be Proud of your accomplishments and get Inspired to Become the person you were Born to be

Join me today!

Stay connected!

You know where to find me 😀  Now, telI me where to find you 😉 Let’s connect!