Work with me

I am proof that you can make it...

My life hasn’t always been easy and flowered as many may think. I learned that the biggest prize were the lessons hidden inside the challenges I’ve faced. I’ve realized that miracles happen just one step ahead the decision to pursue, to embrace and to go for it!

I wish I had help back in the day when I mostly needed it. My faith’s been always capable of moving mountains, because I know God’s been by my side all the way…  I am very grateful for all the blessings God’s granted in my life. Melanoma was a huge one. I am here now to witness that and share this treasure with you! 

My biggest fear was the unknown… of course I don’t know what you are going through right now, but I know how scary it can be…

Life doesn’t stop for you to put your pieces back together and deal with this neither the world wait for you to be ready for the next thing…

I know that no matter what is going on in your life right now, you could use some help… Imagine if you could push a button and get all your prayers answered… how would you feel? 

Perhaps get the fear out of your way, accept the extraordinary journey of learning and personal growth in front of you and perhaps have the strength to make the changes you’ve never felt brave enough to embrace… How would that be?

I have gone through a lot and wish back in the day, there was someone to be with me, to help me, to learn from, or even to suggest something instead of me having to go through the struggles… But I learned that miracles happen when you endure challenges. Melanoma made me be the best version of myself. Live a blessed life of faith, love, peace, happiness and prosperity. I feel like God’s chosen me to spread good seeds and to share the treasure He’s granted me. I am a witness that there is a reason for everything. I see adversities as prizes,  hiding incredible learning opportunities during the process of accepting, facing and overcoming them. 

I believe you, like me, are here for a reason. 

Let’s make it happen! I’ll help you through your journey. 

If I could do it, trust me, so can you!

Let me Help you…

I will be “there” for you, giving hands, side-by-side. We’ll work together to…

Create a crystal clear vision of what is holding you back, slowing you down, preventing or either stopping you from what matters to you, so that you will know exactly what you want, where you are, where you’re headed, and what you need to do to make it happen.

Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your belief system, your ability to take action, impacting your progress or preventing you from living your perfect and purposeful life you want and deserve.

Feel renewed, re-energized, and inspired to finally live a spectacular life: DOING, BEING, HAVING & BECOMING all that is important to you! Once and for all live the life you want and deserve, the relationship you choose and the work that brings you fulfillment.


I worked with Sheyla for many years. She was always very supportive and helpful when working with her to provide many different types of important metrics, notifications, reports, and charts. Sheyla was an outstanding team leader to her team in Brazil, providing them access to training, and always encouraging them to develop, grow, and take on new responsibilities, even when that meant they subsequently moved on to pursue other opportunities. Sheyla maintained a positive can-do attitude, even during difficult times when the company was taken over, and many redundancies were taking place. Her integrity, pleasant, caring, and professional work-focused attitude, always made her a joy to work with.
Ruth Gillet
To talk about a person like Sheyla is to broaden the horizon of human nature. I believe that certain people are necessary and indispensable in professional environments, in order to encourage human relations and make us believe in moral and ethical values. I know her technical capacity, human management competence and, above all, the person capable of building an environment of respect and solidarity. Very happy to have this opportunity to express my thanks for your existence. Always be you, Sheyla, wherever you are!
Mário Paulin
Back in 2005 I had the great opportunity to meet and work with Sheyla. She was a great leader with her team providing outstanding 24x7 support to our customers and a great partnership with her peers facilitating interactions among technical support areas. She is a professional aligned and attentive with the company goals and interests. Trustworthy and cooperative to the customer’s needs, transforming the customer’s pain-points into business opportunities for both sides. Sheyla got the gift and a refined talent to assist and support her colleagues in their challenge at the work environment, advising them wisely in such way they were able to find out the best pathway by themselves. By the diversities and purposes of life we are no longer working together, indeed, currently we are living in different country. However, I make the point of keeping alive our sincere and honest friendship.
Raul De Oliveira
I worked with Sheyla for almost 8 years. She has very good technical skills and good relationship with all employees. She is very committed, dedicated and managed her team with a high-level professionalism.
Mara Vetri

Stay connected!

It is not a coincidence that you are here… and you know it… Let’s make it official 😉