
Claim your life back & Find joy again

Even after what you went through...

Do you feel stuck? How much is it costing you to remain where you are right now?

How much time have you wasted, frozen, held hostage by what happened to you? 


The truth is that you are a decision away from getting to the life you’ve always wanted and deserve!

YES, YOU CAN experience Joy once again, choose happiness, feel free and inspired to enjoy the life you’re given!

I am here to guide you through that process

What a blessing to live in today’s world, where it’s possible to access things easily, connect with like-minded people, stay committed, engaged, alive and actively work towards your most divine version.  

Let me help you throughout this beautiful journey of discovery and transformation you are about to experience!

There’s a program below that is just right for you! Choose the one that talks to you the most, to start… I can’t wait to see you in the inside!

There’s Still Time

Prayers of a Cancer Survivor

…diagnosed with Melanoma, twice… and was just the beginning… Two years later, they found 10 nodules in her lungs and she decided it was time to die… But that wasn’t God’s plan for her… a miracle brought her back to life…

This book has held Sheyla’s hands during her final goodbye to a dear friend…

Even though she knew this prayer book aimed to inspire and enlighten people, the undeniable reason to get it published happened back in June 2022, when Sheyla experienced one of the most emotional moments of her life, led by compassion and unconditional love that made her finally realize this book wasn’t about her, at all…

This book will hold your hands and take you through an incredible journey… perhaps it will serve you, or you will use it to help and guide someone else… or even exercise healing by proxy, as it was originally used, especially during those moments when one has no words to say, no prayer to remember, no pamphlet to read.

May it inspire you and enhance your experience with yourself and the world around you, including the invisible, that so often is overlooked.

Heartfelt compassion and full of emotions, prepare to shift your perspective, enlighten your path and see a complete different life.

Sheyla’s passion and gratitude, will impact the way you see the world and possibly realize how much you’ve been taken for granted.  

Private 1:1 Coaching – 12 Weeks / 6 Months or an Entire Year with You! 

Whether you’re ready to focus your full energy to fulfill your dreams 

If you are working at your pace with a roadmap of where you wanna go or

Either if you are just starting out needing someone along your journey

*** This program is for you! ***

To ask you the tough questions, to hold you accountable, to propel you forward, to hold your hand when you climb really high, to pick you up if you fall, to help you hold your vision and to celebrate you at the finish line

100% Custom Coaching Call to fit your special needs and to get your goal Accomplished, Faster, Exclusive, Unique, Private. 

Mentorship also available. Let’s chat to see which fits better your needs!

ONLY 3 additional clients at this time - Schedule to learn more
Click on the Image to reserve your spot

8 Week Group Coaching Program based on the Group Specific Needs 

If you have experienced huge challenges in your life that have shaken your ground: serious illness, loss, divorce or whatever is for you that has made you see life differently… This group is for you, a safe space where we all grow and learn together.  

We are grateful you have survived, and would love to know how you did it. 

We’ll assist you to claim your life back, be happy once again & get inspired to become the person you were born to be. 

An incredible opportunity to have your questions answered, to address your special needs, connect with like minded people, learn and grow from someone else’s experiences too.  

JOIN US, your story may inspire others! Contact us for new groups.

ELITE Mastermind Group – Starting Soon – Only 8 spots available.      An unique opportunity to work directly with Sheyla in an intimate set. 

Join the Elite – a small group of people who take life serious and are fully committed and dedicated to get their life’s work done and share their msg. This is NOT for anyone.  It is for those amazing individuals who understand they were put on this world for a reason and are in a hurry to fulfill that purpose. To BE ALL IN is their only option!    

You were born for greatness and you know it!   The “real question” is… Have you already embodied the Marvel that you are: God’s Highest form of Creation!? If not, are you ready for a breakthrough, to become your Most Divine Version, to live your best life and step into your power and become the person you were born to be? To show up as the magnificence you’re meant to be and truly are? To step into your Glorious existence & make an impact… To leave a legacy, Be remembered for your achievements and be peace knowing the world is a better place because you’ve been in it… ?  

Only you can answer… but… you know you need help… it is just a matter of time… NOW or later: when the pain is greater & precious time is wasted… 

Schedule a call to see if you qualify and are ready for the next level

This 6-Modules Online Course is your key to Work on what is holding you back so you can Develop a new and consistent way to live and bring your life to another level (without reinventing the wheel with plenty of time left over for what’s most important in your life! You can watch from anywhere!

6 Module Online Training PLUS Bonus Modules! 

  • …the Healing Journey Begins
  • Time to Let it Go
  • What if this is not the end?
  • Rescuing Dreams/Yourself
  • (Re)Building Your New Self
  • and much more…
  • Including 3 Bonus Modules

This 6-Module Online Coaching Program is what you’ve been waiting for!

 Your key to Getting Back on track and Start Living your Best Life Now so that you can Do the things you love, spend quality time with people you choose and Live the Lifestyle you Want and Deserve. You can Watch from anywhere you want, upon your schedule and convenience! 

ELITE Package with my Support every single step of the way 

This program includes:

6 Module Online Course + 

Bonus Modules + 

Weekly Group Coaching + 

Live Q&A!

Schedule a FREE call for additional information to access the program

This Gratitude Package is your key to witness abundance in your life so you can make decisions from a place of possibilities instead of scarcity and notice the Universe sending back to you all the blessings you want and deserve.

Self-study program upon your time and convenience

Perfect if you are not yet serious and ready to commit to your Complete Transformation

Light and effective will shift the way you see things and the world around you!